Call to Grand Chapter 2017!
Companions! Details for the upcoming 210th Annual Grand Convocation are below. For your convenience, I have also added links to the degree petitions, and other relevant information. Hope to see you there!
Call to Grand Chapter
The Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons in Virginia will hold its 210th Grand Annual Convocation at the Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference Center, Williamsburg, Virginia on 17th and 18th November 2017. Enclosed are room reservation forms which must be returned to the hotel no later than November 1, 2017. Early reservations are suggested, as the number of rooms is limited. The hotel’s telephone number is (757) 220-2250 (voice) and (757) 221-9059 (FAX). If you need additional copies, the reservation form as well as the other accompanying forms can be reproduced.
Call to Grand Chapter - DOWNLOAD
Anointed High Priest - Petition Form
Super Excellent Master - Petition Form
Thrice Illustrious Master - Petition Form