Grand Chapter 2018
Wanted to take a minute and tell everyone about the fantastic fellowship and fun that was had at the 2018 Grand Annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons in Virginia, held at the Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference Center from 15-17 November, 2018.

Got to see my amazing friends and Brothers from the Scottish Isles, Austria, and more local like Delaware, the District of Columbia, and South Carolina.
Highlights included the fun and festivities of the Old Saratoga Degree, making some new Turtles, and the absolutely stunning performance by the Companions that put on the Thrice Illustrious Masters Degree. Was breathtaking, and I was so pleased I got to see it this year.
If you have not attended Grand Chapter, I sincerely hope that you make the trip next year. It is a fantastic time, light on stuffiness, and full of Companions who do great deeds each and every day, and enjoy each other's company! A hearty Congrats to Most Excellent Floyd Byron Goodwin and the rest of the Grand Line for 2019!